W O R K   L I F E   B A L A N C E

Berlin, 2024

“Anxious-avoidant”, 2024
steel and rhinestone chains

As part of  WORK LIFE BALANCE exhibition curated by @billy____jacob

“Even in times of so-called self-awareness, the creative industry remains one of self-exploitation. Only very few artists are able to cover their own expenses with their work. This forces many of them to generate income in other ways. All too often, this is accompanied by a double burden that can inhibit or even block their own creativity. Artists are not far from burnout.
The exhibition shows examples of divergence. The artists successfully combine vocation, job, education and family life, even though this balancing act is inherent in the works on display. Self-care and a healthy work-life balance are like a utopia these days.
The future office on the 7th floor of the new building ‘The Terrace’ on the Spree in Charlottenburg offers the ideal space to reflect on these topics together.”